Season’s Greetings!

I hope you and your loved ones are enjoying the holiday season! If you’re like me, this is a busy time of year filled with shopping, wrapping gifts, hosting visiting family members, and planning holiday dinner menus. Next week I’ll be baking my traditional Christmas cookies, which my son demands every year. I’m also experimenting with an upside down cheesecake apple pie. The recipe looks absolutely delish, so I hope it turns out well! My parents are visiting from Maryland, my beautiful niece just graduated college, and my beloved nephew and his wife recently welcomed their first child. (He’s a Que Dog and she’s an AKA, so it’s a safe bet that their daughter’s favorite colors will be purple, gold, pink, and green. Hehehe.)

In other exciting news…

Sin Bin - A Denver Rebels NovelAs you can see from the featured book cover, we’re one step closer to unleashing Logan from the sin bin! YAY! The book is in the final stage of edits and revisions. I can’t wait to share Logan’s story with y’all! SIN BIN is a fiercely tender love story—a slow burn romance that packs an emotional wallop. Below is a condensed blurb:

As former foster children, Logan Brassard and Meadow Ryan have experienced their share of heartache, loss, and trauma. After being apart for fifteen years, they’re no longer scrappy orphans. They’re all grown up, and the attraction that sizzles between them is too hot to deny. With gorgeous bedroom eyes, a panty-melting smile, badass tattoos, and muscles for days, Logan is the embodiment of sin and temptation. But Meadow isn’t some random puck bunny, and she refuses to become one of Logan’s discarded one-night stands. Even though the hockey superstar is hot as puck, she’s determined to make him wait and prove himself before she tumbles into bed with him. Right from the start, they share a profound connection that deepens into an unforgettable friendship and a powerful romance. But they’re wounded souls who harbor devastating secrets from the past—secrets that could destroy their one true shot at happiness.

Like the previous books in the Denver Rebels series, SIN BIN is a juicy behemoth of a book. It’s the same whopping length as THE SWEDE (we’ll see what wonky page count Amazon comes up with). There’s plenty of laughter and love, explosive secrets and heartbreak, team bonding and exciting hockey action. Did I also mention laughter? The fellas having dinner at Hunter’s house was particularly fun to write. Lol. I also want to mention that after the prologue, Logan and Meadow don’t reunite until the third chapter. But their reunion and ensuing romance are more than worth the wait. So get cozy and take your time with this couple. Let their story unfold and sweep you along on a poignant, memorably romantic journey.

If the release date happens to creep into 2019, please don’t freak out on me! Take a deep breath, sip some wine or eggnog, and rest assured that the book is coming!

Just as a friendly reminder, SIN BIN is an interracial romance. If interracial romances aren’t your cup of tea, feel free to skip this book. Seriously. You don’t have to buy it. I mean, I think you’d be missing out on one hell of a love story. But I certainly respect your preference for romance novels that feature same-race couples. By the same token, I hope you will respect my right to pen any type of book I want.

After releasing SIN BIN, I plan to complete the dramatic conclusion to WHATEVER YOU NEED featuring River and Morgan. This will be the final installment in the Brand Clan series. Lots of drama and shocking secrets to be revealed, so please stay tuned!

As for any other books or series, everything is on hold until the Denver Rebels series is completed, however long that takes. For many years, my wise hubby advised me to focus on one series at a time. It took me long enough, but I’m finally heeding his advice!

If you haven’t read Logan’s prologue that was released in September, what’re you waiting for? After reading the prologue, get your one-click finger ready and stay tuned for the release of SIN BIN!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from my family to yours!!!