Sin Bin


Book Three in the Denver Rebels Series…

Logan “Bruiser” Brassard and Meadow Ryan are no strangers to heartache, loss, and trauma. When they met as foster children, they both bore deep scars from the horrors life had inflicted. Although their time together at the group home was brief, they never forgot each other.

Fast forward fifteen years, and Meadow is an unemployed social worker down on her luck. Logan is an NHL superstar who can’t keep himself out of the penalty box. When he’s not brawling on the ice, he’s living up to his reputation as a notorious manwhore.

When Meadow arrives in Denver for a job interview, the attraction that sizzles between her and Logan is too hot to ignore. With his panty-melting smile, badass tattoos, and muscles for days, he’s the embodiment of sin and temptation. But she has no interest in becoming one of his discarded puck bunnies. She’s there for a job and nothing more.

But Logan has other plans for her, and he’s not giving up without a fight. As their friendship deepens into something powerful, a blissful future suddenly seems within reach. Until they’re blindsided by shattering secrets from the past—secrets that could destroy their one true shot at happiness.

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