I can’t believe it’s already May! 2018 is really flying by!

I’ve been busy writing, enjoying family celebrations, and just living my best life. I have some exciting career developments in the works, which I hope to share at some point.

Right now I’m totally caught up in NHL Playoffs fever. I grew up in Maryland, so I’ve always rooted for the Washington Capitals. They’ve never won the Stanley Cup, so I’m hoping this will be their year. (Hey, a girl can dream, right?) I recently became a fan of the Vegas Golden Knights after hubby and I attended one of their games in March. We had a blast and I got some inspiration for Logan’s story, the third book in my Denver Rebels hockey series.

Speaking of those hunky Rebels, I wanted to share some of the most common questions and answers about the series:

Q) Do you have a release date for Logan’s book?
A) No. I’ve learned my lesson about promising release dates.

Q) Will we ever see the outcome of the Stanley Cup playoffs?
A) Absolutely! The premise of this series is to take you on a journey with the Denver Rebels as they contend for the Stanley Cup. The stakes are raised with every book as we draw closer to the playoffs. WICKED GAMES covered the start of the hockey season through December. THE SWEDE spanned from December to March. Logan’s book spans from March to May (deep into the playoffs). Ultimately, the road to the Stanley Cup will end with Hunter’s book. But never fear! There’s a lot happening on and off the ice, so sit back and enjoy the journey!

Q) Are the Rebels going to win the Cup?
A) You’ll have to wait and see!

Q) I love HEA endings. A romance novel doesn’t feel complete without a wedding at the end. Are Reid and Nadia getting married in the next book?
A) No. Their wedding is set for June (after the playoffs). I know many readers are eager to see the happy couple exchange vows, but I don’t want to cram a wedding into the busy hockey season. Picture this scenario: Reid and Nadia get married on a Saturday and spend their wedding night at a swanky hotel. The next morning, Reid has to leave for practice. Later that day, he has to fly out of town for an away game. Nadia can accompany him (on a separate plane). Or she can stay behind, order room service alone, and watch his game during what should have been their honeymoon. Does that sound romantic to you? Me neither!

Q) Then when will you feature their wedding (as well as Viggo and Scarlett’s)?
A) I plan to release follow-up novellas after Hunter’s book. The novellas will cover the weddings and aftermath. This means there will be time jumps as the couples start having children and going on family vacations. Reid and Nadia’s novella will be called WICKED EVER AFTER. Viggo and Scarlett’s novella will be called FROM SWEDEN WITH LOVE. (Other novellas TBA.)

Q) Will Viggo finally tell his mother the truth about his grandfather in FROM SWEDEN WITH LOVE?
A) Yes, absolutely! Get your Kleenex ready now!

Q) Who is Logan’s love interest?
A) Her name is Meadow Ryan. She and Logan met as children in foster care. Their story is shaping up to be a slow burn romance that packs an emotional punch. Stay tuned!

Q) I’m so excited about Hunter’s book! In THE SWEDE, you hinted that he might be a Dom (i.e., a “Dominant”). Is he?
A) Bwahaha! All I will say is that Hunter’s story will be very…adventurous. LOL.

Q) Are Hunter and Kandace going to end up together?
A) No, they’re not. Honestly, I don’t think they would make a good couple. Kandace still has some growing up to do, and Hunter needs a woman who’s more on his level. His love interest will be introduced in Logan’s book. She hates hockey with the heat of a thousand burning suns, so she and Hunter are in for an epic clash! Also, the Stanley Cup Finals occur early in Hunter’s book; after that he’ll be able to focus all his attention on seducing the heroine and winning her heart.

Q) I know the Wolf Pack series is on hiatus, but will any of them make a cameo appearance in remaining Denver Rebels books?
A) Yes! Some of them will appear in WICKED EVER AFTER. Remember that Asha Dubois is designing gowns for Nadia and her bridesmaids, so she and Sterling Wolf will travel to Denver for the wedding. Reid and Mason are good friends, so of course Mason is coming to Reid’s bachelor party and the wedding. His future love interest will be revealed in this novella. Could it be Leilani or one of the other bridesmaids? Hmm…we shall see!

Q) Will Jess and Dubinski get their own story?
A) At this time, I have no plans to give them a book. But don’t worry, we haven’t seen the last of them!

Q) Will you write books for any of Reid or Viggo’s siblings?
A) I would love to! But I don’t want to overcommit myself. Things can change at any time, so I’ll just play it by ear.

Q) When will you share the title and cover for Logan’s book?
A) I’m still working out some things, so please stay tuned!

Edited To Add: Yes, I definitely plan to release WHATEVER YOU NEED PART 2 after Logan’s book. I’ll do my absolute best to make the conclusion as satisfying as possible, but realistically I’m kinda preparing myself for another onslaught of scathing reviews and personal attacks. Frankly I’m in no hurry to deal with that again, so I’m just taking my time with that book. At this point I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t. Lol.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms out there! You are loved, appreciated, and celebrated!